HomeWebsehri2022-01-05T12:28:33+00:00 Önceki Sonraki High Quality Kolay Mermer searches for the highest quality natural stone quarries 24/7. Reasonable Price Kolay Mermer offers prices considering production costs, not the local market. Quick Response Time Kolay Mermer's responsibles respond your calls, e-mails, messages within a day. New Ideas & Products Kolay Mermer is instantly informed about new products thanks to its innovative policy and a huge network. Transparency Is our biggest priority. Thus more than 95% of our business has been long-term. Customer's Satisfactory We are in constant contact with you from the first day of our communication and we are committed to acting in line with your needs and wishes. Learn More Trade Volume Since the day we started trading, we have exported more than 235k tons of natural stones to 22 different countries of the world, mostly to the USA. Learn More Innovation Thanks to our expert and innovative employees, we are informed about the newly found natural stones in a very short time and we expand our product range. Learn More